Rockflower Completes Fundraising Campaign to Begin First Phase of Training Peacebuilders in the DRC

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Rockflower’s partnership with Solidarité des Femmes pour le Développement Intégral (SOFEDI) has begun after the completion of their initial fundraising campaign. The first phase of training women in conflict prevention and peace-building in the Democratic Republic of Congo will begin soon, as the campaign has not only reached its goal but exceeded it.

The first phase of training will include: promotion of women's human rights through training of monitors; increasing women’s representation in public decision-making; combating violence and ensuring zero tolerance for all forms of discrimination against women and girls; promote leadership transformation; promote good governance practices; and build and strengthen women’s coalitions for women’s empowerment.

Hannah Dawicki, a member of our Youth Advisory Board, led the Promote Women's Participation in Conflict Prevention and Peace Building campaign to it’s successful conclusion.