FOWACE Demonstrates the Importance of Funding Those Closest to the Problem

Rockflower was an early funder of Foundation for Women and Children in Libera (FOWACE) in 2017 as it sought to tackle food insecurity for those widowed by the Ebola epidemic. Over the last seven years, we have continued to support FOWACE as they dedicate time and resources to supporting some of the most vulnerable groups in rural Liberia, by providing a range of vital services from life skills and job training to self empowerment and legal aid.

Empowering Women Through Access to Justice

FOWACE's Access to Justice program continues to champion the rights of women in rural communities, where traditional practices often deny women access to inheritance and property. FOWACE operates in rural communities where 95% of the women are illiterate and the culture and traditions subject women to various forms of abuse. This program has not only opened the eyes of women to their rights but also educated men on the importance of gender equality in property ownership. Despite challenges such as providing transportation, accommodation, and medical assistance for women traveling to seek justice, FOWACE remains committed to supporting every woman's journey towards empowerment and legal recognition.

Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) – A Beacon of Hope

The VSLA program, has proven to be a transformative force in the lives of disadvantaged women across Liberia. By facilitating access to financial services and fostering social cohesion, the VSLA program has empowered women economically, socially, and politically, contributing to poverty reduction and sustainable development. With 20 active VSLA groups and growing demand, FOWACE is eager to expand this program to reach more communities, though resources remain a limiting factor.

Educational Outreach and Counseling Services

FOWACE's commitment to education and awareness is evident in their continuous outreach to schools and communities. Recent initiatives include educating high school students about their rights and access to justice, with a special focus on empowering girls. Additionally, FOWACE has established a Counseling Center offering both individual and group counseling sessions for women and girls facing domestic violence issues. These services are crucial in helping them cope with and overcome challenges, fostering a supportive community environment.

Community Engagement and Awareness

In recent weeks, FOWACE has conducted extensive awareness campaigns, reaching out to over 600 women, children, and men to educate them on the importance of justice for women and children. Their efforts also include providing essential support such as transportation and accommodation for women seeking justice for abuse cases.

Rockflower continues to provide resources in terms of funding and organizational support for FOWACE to ensure there is no loss of continuity in their invaluable work. The progress and positive changes seen through FOWACE's initiatives are not only encouraging in their depth of impact, but underscore the importance of funding those closest to the issues who are deeply embedded in the communities they serve. We are deeply grateful to our community of supporters whose generosity makes this work possible.