Celebrating a Decade of Growth: Tine Girls Model Schools Expand to Six Campuses in Pakistan

Rockflower is proud to celebrate a significant milestone with our partner, Community Services Program (CSP), as the Tine Girls Model School initiative marks their tenth anniversary with an expansion to six campuses across Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Founded in 2014, these schools have become a beacon of growth and empowerment for children in some of the most underprivileged areas of Pakistan.

A Decade of Educating Children

The journey began in a small village in Kashmir with the vision of promoting girls' education. The mothers of the girls who previously had not had access to any type of formal education, were inspired by the spirit of Tine Ward, Founder and CEO of Rockflower, and asked if they could name the school after her. Over the past decade, the Tine Girls Model School has grown from a single campus to six, each serving as a building block for development through education. These schools not only focus on academic excellence but also emphasize skills development, effective communication, STEM education, and essential life skills.

Recent Developments and Expansions

In 2024, the newest campus at Phullawai celebrated its establishment, already welcoming 23 admissions. This growth underscores the demand and critical need for accessible education for girls in the region. CSP's chairman, Mr. Siddique Hussain, emphasizes their commitment to gradually expand these educational services across more districts of Kashmir and Pakistan, with the goal of fostering quality education that empowers girls to contribute meaningfully to their communities and the country at large.

There are currently 538 pupils, 14 teachers and 4 assistants involved in the program. Rockflower has also committed to providing a building for the campus at Chiran who until now have to take all their lessons outside, this is particularly challenging during the harsh winter months. 

A Look Back at Last Year's Progress

Reflecting back on the past few years, the Tine Girls Model Schools have continued to make impactful strides. The introduction of digital learning tools in partnership with the Origin Learning Fund has brought new learning opportunities to students, especially during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative has equipped children with the skills needed to navigate and succeed in a digitally-driven world, further enhancing the educational experience at these campuses.

Looking Forward

As we look ahead, Rockflower continues to support CSP in their mission to expand the reach of these transformative educational programs. Through continued collaboration and support, we aim to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive in a supportive educational environment.

Rockflower and CSP are committed to continuing this journey of education and empowerment, striving towards a future where every girl in Pakistan can achieve her potential and contribute to her society's growth and development.