Planting Seeds of Hope and Resilience in Rural Liberia

Group of women from FOWACE in Liberia standing together in a lush green agricultural field, participating in a community farming project.

Foundation for Women and Children Empowerment (FOWACE) whose work spans several communities in rural Liberia, continues to provide consistent and detailed updates on why small targeted funding can have such an outsized impact. Since its establishment in 2017, FOWACE has been a beacon of hope and support for vulnerable and marginalized women and children, taking on additional responsibilities in the aftermath of the Ebola crisis and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, one particular area of focus has been in enhancing food security and economic stability through the agricultural programs funded by Rockflower. From site identification to land clearing, preparation, provision of improved cassava stems, maintenance, and harvesting, FOWACE has been there every step of the way, supporting these dedicated women.

They have established ten new groups of women dedicated to various agricultural activities. Each group has been equipped with tools, seeds, and resources necessary to cultivate their lands and sustain their families. For just $150 for each new group this initiative not only improves food security but also fosters community solidarity among the women.

This collaboration is more than just about growing crops, it is about planting the seeds of hope, dignity and resilience in the hearts of these women. By equipping them with the resources and knowledge they need, we are sharing their vision for a brighter future for themselves and their children.

Over the years Rockflower supporters have taken a keen interest in partners and projects aligned with their own interests. In July in the spirit of collaboration, Hannah Delany West, niece and goddaughter of Founder and CEO, Tine Ward, was able to mark the occasion of her birthday by supporting the ladies of FOWACE in their growing activities. Hannah, owner of One Wicker Farm, in Franklin, North Carolina, shared the deep commitment she has for community food programs.

“There is nothing more valuable to me than growing food for my family and community and teaching my children how to grow their own food. May we learn and grow together, geographically separated but together in our gardens.”

This generous gift to Rockflower will help further the agricultural initiatives of FOWACE, ensuring that more women can farm and feed their children in rural Liberia.In the words of Haja Tallawallay, Executive Director of FOWACE “ It is truly inspiring to witness the transformation taking place. The excitement on their faces as the ladies work together, united by a common goal to produce food for their families is a powerful testament to the impact of your support.”

Another significant area of focus for FOWACE’s work has been to improve access to safe drinking water. They have successfully repaired over 25 hand pumps, with news of their work spreading to other communities in need. The provision of safe drinking water is crucial for preventing diseases and supporting the overall health and well-being of the communities.

FOWACE’s holistic approach has continued to highlight the comprehensive nature of their support across various sectors. From cassava farming to the management of village savings groups, the organization is deeply involved in every step of the process.

The introduction of the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) program has been particularly transformative. The tools and resources provided: a saving box with three locks, ledgers for record-keeping, ink pads, and passbooks, are more than just supplies, they are instruments of change. These women are not only learning to save and manage their finances, but they are also working together, supporting one another and building a stronger, more resilient community.

Rockflower looks forward to a continued partnership with FOWACE, supporting their mission to heal, grow, and thrive. The empowerment of these women and children in Liberia is a testament to the strength of community-based efforts and the profound impact of targeted support and solidarity. We invite our community to join us in supporting FOWACE's vital work, helping to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the women and children of rural Liberia.

Together, we are making a concrete contribution to ensuring hope and possibility are always in abundant supply.