african youth alliance

Update on AYA’s Five Keys in Five Villages Project

Rockflower partner, African Youth Alliance, based in Cameroon, has been working to support seven groups of women in five different villages, utilizing Rockflower’s Five Key Framework. The project includes thoughtful elements that serve to improve the women’s quality of life through training focused on peace and security, maternal and reproductive health, access to food and water, education, and economic empowerment. This two year project has faced a great deal of challenges as a result of the pandemic, however, since resuming activities in March of 2021, the project has had a great impact on the lives of women, and has pivoted to include COVID-19 prevention education into their curriculum. AYA has provided an update on the program and its impact on the community.

Peace and Security:

AYA held a number of group discussions on peace and security to help women to better manage crises and conflict in their own homes and communities. The rate of physical and/or sexual violence toward women from intimate partners in Cameroon is 51%. More than half of the women attending these sessions had themselves been victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. The trainings not only taught them how to react and de-escalate conflict and violence, but how to protect themselves and understand their rights and power in these situations. 

At the end of each training session, the women were encouraged to stay in contact with one another and continue to have conversations on these topics. The group labeled themselves as ‘Community Peace Ambassadors’ and as such committed to sharing knowledge regularly, providing training to others, informing their community that they can be contacted in times of crisis, as well as working together to identify problems and seek solutions for women’s safety.

Group participant, Petra Mbom, a 25 year old, single and a mother told AYA, “I have benefitted as well as my group because we have been taught that women also have rights and that they can stand firm to defend themselves. Also from the lectures given we are able to settle disputes in our families and in our community and we hope to change certain aspects in our community. That is, allowing women to have rights to landed property is our target.”

Maternal and Reproductive Health:

AYA knew that focusing on women’s reproductive and sexual health was one of the most important aspects of this project. Since the women in these groups have received little, if any education on their sexual health, the potential for impact was immense. 

The primary focus areas for these sessions were education on HIV/AIDS, family planning, and menstruation. AYA enlisted the help of community nurses to stress the importance of learning their HIV/AIDS status, help them to understand the damage caused by stigamitizing and discriminating against other women based on their status, and to educate women who are HIV positive on how to stop the spread. 

In terms of family planning, the group focused on practices that would promote the health of both the mother and child, such as spacing out births. This topic was particularly impactful, as some of the women came to the session with the belief that they were going to be discouraged from having children, which was not the case. 

One participant explained, “Family planning has been taught in our group and we now understand that family planning does not mean women should stop giving birth or should not give birth, but it helps women to space their births and maintain a healthy family. Also, we now know the importance of reusable sanitary pads, how to use and take proper care of the pads.” Overall, the participants learned a great deal about caring for themselves as they navigate childbirth, sexually transmitted illnesses, and menstruation.

Access to Food and Water:

This portion of the project focused primarily on agriculture and land stewardship. Many of the women who participated in this training were already farmers by trade, while others were interested in gardening to supplement their family’s food supply. Some of the skills taught included preparing land for farming or gardening, propagating and nursing fruit trees, and understanding root systems.

The women also gained knowledge on land stewardship and conservation. They began a project in which they mapped out sites that would be considered unsafe or risky for farming, which led to a much higher success rate of crops in the area. This was the first time that the community conducted a study of land types, and it will have great long-term benefits. Through this mapping the women learned about the impacts of deforestation, land erosion and overfarming. They also learned about and implemented compost piles, harvested cabbage from community gardens and began an initiative titled “Operation One Man One Tree” in which each participant will plant a tree and encourage friends and family to do the same.

One participant, Ngwainmbi Mercy, who is 26 years old, married and a mother of two children said she has benefitted from the agricultural techniques that she learned through AYA’s training. Her and her group have been able to cultivate carrots, cabbages, and beans and this has helped them to provide food for their families and communities.


Due to the immense success and positive feedback from the maternal and reproductive health education, AYA decided to focus their education training on female empowerment. Several group meetings were held in which the groups discussed the negative impacts of early marriage and teenage pregnancy. They also gained valuable insight about the role of sexuality for women, which is generally considered taboo to discuss. Much of the conversation focused on the importance of fighting for their rights, maintaining good self esteem, and discrediting many cultural norms and traditions that serve to keep women out of positions of power. 

After this training, the women felt that they had a better understanding of how to live their lives with dignity, without shame and how to encourage the next generation of women to lead fulfilling lives. 

Juscentha Fukuin, a 40 year old mother of four children told AYA that she will no longer encourage her children to marry at a young age. 

Another participant, fourteen year old Belva Ndum said “I have benefitted from the lectures on general hygiene, and I can now take good care of myself. I have hope in the future despite the crisis and the closure of schools. I also know I have to work hard if I want to be a good leader in future.”

The sessions typically ended with goal setting, where the women were able to discuss what they hoped to achieve, and how they could support one another to achieve those goals. 

Economic Empowerment:

The final pillar of AYA’s training focused on ensuring that the participants had an understanding of how to manage a small business. In these training sessions, they learned basic accounting principles, book keeping, how to evaluate business growth, identifying financial setbacks, and strategies to overcome setbacks.

AYA also created a revolving loan scheme, in which each of the women would contribute a certain amount of their income to provide loans to others. As their businesses grow, so would the fund, and more businesses could emerge. This year, the women were able to fund half of their goal for the revolving loan scheme. As their businesses gradually grew throughout the year, the group was able to achieve a 44.6% profit from the sales of items like manure, salt, soap, and body lotions. This also served as a hands on lesson in deducting expenses in order to calculate profit.

One business owner, Carine Bih, benefited greatly from this education. She learned that a business and the business owner are separate entities, and that it’s possible for the business owner to owe money to the business. She had been operating a doughnut stand for years, and had seen almost no profit. She told AYA that she would often give donuts away to her friends and family, but she wasn’t clear on the fact that when she did that, she would have to owe the cost of those ingredients to the business. Through the group training, she came to understand that she was the reason that her business was not profitable, and she learned how to keep record of any product that she gives away so that she can pay it back to the business. 

Many of the women involved in the program had been running businesses for years with no education on how to maintain and account for their business. This education has been invaluable to them as they now are able to recognize their profits and plan for their futures.

Overall, the training and resources provided by AYA has had an immense impact on improving the participants’ knowledge of their rights, especially sexual and reproductive rights, food security, income and agricultural skills. For these rural women in Cameroon, many of whom are young and/or single mothers, this education will serve to allow them to improve their quality of life and that of their families as they plan for the future. AYA noted that due to the challenges faced by these women, including extreme poverty, domestic violence, and child marriages, the program has been met with more than enthusiasm. The women are delighted and eager to better their lives and work together to improve their communities.

Continuing Reproductive Health through the COVID-19 Pandemic

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African Youth Alliance, based in Cameroon, is led by Roseline and her team were just beginning their work on the Five Keys in Five Villages project at the start of this year before they had to pivot and regroup to address the needs imposed by the spread of COVID-19. This 2-year project was designed exclusively by AYA and the villages, to prove and track how each of the five keys overlaps and impacts each other. Through regular meetings to share findings and resources, they plan to offer a comprehensive review of why funding locally-led initiatives is the key to progress. The following is an edited excerpt from an interim report. 

"The village of Tumuku was assigned the key of Maternal and Reproductive Health. With the support of a community volunteer, the nurse had detailed discussion sessions with the groups in Tumuku village on the following topics to make sure that the members understood these topics: reproductive health, family planning, and general hygiene. With respect to reproductive health, she defined both terms, reproduction and health, for the group to understand them separately before highlighting the difference between the reproductive health of a female and a male. The group was able to freely talk about issues relating to females, such as breast and hip development and menstruation, and how they noticed a change in their muscles, deep voice, development of axillary and facial hairs for males. The women and girls were urged to practice safe sex with the right person as well as carry out regular medical checks in order to ensure they were in good health. Family planning was also defined during the brainstorming session, and a detailed explanation was given on the different methods of birth control including the natural method, a condom, pills, withdrawal method, and tubal ligation. Breastfeeding was discussed. The practices of good personal hygiene and to have a balanced diet for healthy living were encouraged. To round up the group lectures, the nurse educated the women and girls in attendance on basic and necessary hygienic measures, such as hand washing before and after meals or a visit to the toilet, washing of the head/face, taking a bath at least once or twice daily and when you do hard labor to avoid the use of bleaching agent on your body as it will remove melanin. It is worth noting that these activities were very educational and important because it built a foundation of knowledge for the women and girls to care for themselves in order to continue to stay healthy during this latest crisis of COVID-19."

African Youth Alliance


On March 18, 2020, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Health took 13 major steps including the closure of all air, land and sea borders into and out of the country, the closure of all schools, the suspension of entry visas and a call to the population to observe strict hygiene and sanitation rules prescribed by the World Health Organization Full Government Response Strategy.

The following is an excerpt from correspondence with Roseline, Executive Director of the African Youth Alliance (AYA).

Concerns and Challenges

“I will not describe how challenging it is to keep safe without a constant supply of running water, hand sanitizers are a luxury we cannot afford, and our anxiety is high as we know how broken our health system is, I am grateful as rains have started and we can have rainwater for now, the children are healthy, [as of April 1] our villages have not yet recorded cases so far.

As I shared with you in Canada, the communities in which we intervene are already affected by a socio-political armed conflict since 2016. AYA is the only organization supporting rural women and girls in those villages. This year, Rockflower is our only donor so far.

The main challenge is having basic funds to provide education on what COVID-19 is and the hygienic measures for rural women and girls in the local languages. Apart from the little education we started doing before we had to suspend activities, no information has yet reached our rural women and girls on the pandemic.”

Adaptation Measures

“To keep our three main volunteers in the village safe, we painfully agreed with them to stop activities for now, due to a lack of funds. I am writing to different people, asking if they can help support with funds for the education of rural women and girls on COVID-19.

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They do not have access to information, there is no electricity or internet in the village. We are very worried about what will happen to all of them if the disease arrives in the communities. These communities already fragmented by war are just not prepared at all. We trained the volunteers in the village ourselves from information read on the internet so they have a basic knowledge. However, they need support in terms of protective wears while going around communities to do education (face masks, gloves, sanitizers). They also suggested that we distribute the hand sanitizers, provide buckets for handwashing stations in public spaces that women and girls frequent often in the village. Unfortunately, for now, we do not yet have support for that. We had already planned to train them on how to produce soap bars and detergents under our current Rockflower project, which will greatly assist them, as well as all surrounding communities.

It is farming season already, rains have started and the crops are not waiting.

The only activity we can keep running is the one categorized under the Access to Food and Water key. Organic agriculture, fruit tree planting and water catchment protection through tree planting. Women were already provided with farming and planting inputs. They have started their group vegetable gardens and farms. The volunteer in charge of that activity has requested to continue to monitor the gardens and farms with the women while respecting health and safety measures. It is the farming season already, rains have started and the crops are not waiting, they will grow.”

Emergency Fund

The Emergency Fund from Rockflower provided buckets with taps and soap bars that were placed in public village spaces to enable regular hand washing. The volunteers of the African Youth Alliance received face masks and hand sanitizers. AYA volunteers were trained on what COVID 19, the means of transmissions and how to prevent contamination at the community level. These volunteers will continue to provide awareness and education opportunities for community members.

Update from May 2020

African Youth Alliance is currently undergoing a project in partnership with Rockflower, Five Keys in Five Villages, that began in January. Progress was made throughout the first quarter of 2020. The COVID-19 outbreak caused major setbacks in March. Due to the rural setting AYA works in, there have been varying reactions by the community including fear, panic, disbelief, and mockery. AYA continues to provide educational opportunities on preventative measures and updates on statistics. Additionally, they have continued their work in the village of Tumuku. Read more on Continuing Reproductive Health through the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Five Keys + Five Villages = One Holistic Project with the African Youth Alliance

The African Youth Alliance and Rockflower have been partners since 2017. Previously, we have supported them with an economic empowerment project, Empowering Women and Girls through Mentorship and Training. Their organization shows great promise and truly understands Rockflower’s vision as is evident in their newest project, Five Keys in Five Villages, based on our holistic model.

The five keys will be utilized in five communities in Cameroon. All the groups taking part in the project will have regular network and exchange visits to share their experiences on each pillar, strengthen their capacities and learn from each other. 

During the month of January and the first week of February, the African Youth Alliance met over 200 women and girls. The women and girls discussed the specificities of each project for better understanding, engagement, and implementation in order to achieve the desired impact through the improvement of their living standards and increased financial support to their families. Given the socio-political unrest in the region, the project will contribute to their overall peace and community development.

General remarks from the women and girls in attendance were of a great sense of satisfaction and appreciation as they promised to be active and highly involved in all project activities. They also attributed specific roles to all of the group members which will result in an effective implementation of the project.

We look forward to the progress that the African Youth Alliance makes on their Five Keys in Five Villages project.

Rockflower Empowers Women and Girls in Cameroon Through Mentorship and Training

As part of the "Empowering Women and Girls Through Mentorship and Training" partner project, Rockflower and the African Youth Alliance completed a campaign to fund vocational training and economic opportunities for 60 young women in Bamenda, Cameroon