Opportunities Not Obstacles for Women with Obstetric Fistula Project
Location: Kasese, Uganda
Project Background
Obstetric fistula is a hole that is formed between the vagina and bladder or vagina and rectum of a girl or woman during a difficult child birth, and it’s caused by prolonged and obstructed labor when the head of the baby can not pass safely through the birth canal of the mother. As a result of that, urine or feces leak continuously and uncontrollably from the mother’s vagina. And as a result of that, the fistula victims suffer dire social consequences where many of them are then forced to live a life of shame and humiliation, often abandoned by their husbands, families and society, forced to work, eat and sleep alone because of their excruciating smell caused by the condition.
Renovation of FOWODI maize milling factory:
The FOWODI maize milling project is a project that was initiated by the Foundation for Women’s Dignity (FOWODI) in the year 2010 after getting funded by Global Fund for Women USA and NASF in Netherlands. The FOWODI maize mill project was installed in order to generate income to support those poor rural women victims of living with obstetric fistula to support them economically.
The mill needs updating - there is a need to transfer from diesel engine to hydro power in order to be more energy efficient. At this time the machine is always breaking down and is inefficient. There is an opportunity to work with the local government on accessing hydro power and by extension creating a more profitable income generating stream for these women.
In addition, FOWODI aims to train these post fistula victims in alternative techniques such as mushroom growing, briquette making and local crafts. 40 women will be trained and supported through this process.