Weaving with YWISD Project
Location: Uganda
Project Goal
To create employment opportunities for young women through non-formal education training in weaving (baskets and hand bags or wallets for women) and entrepreneurship skills
Project Objectives
To increase gender equality by empowering young women.
To reduce dependency levels among women by equipping them with income generating skills
To reduce the number of chronically poor women by 80% in Wakiso sub-county because the training and mentorship they will have established small businesses and pass it on to others by the end of the project.
To reduce environment degradation by substituting polythene bags.
The direct beneficiaries of this project are 200 young women regardless of their levels of education as long as they are in vulnerable state.
And the a thousand indirect beneficiaries which include their children, relatives and friends who will be in position to acquire basic needs like going to school as a result of boasting their mother’s income.
Our major focus will be training 200 young women in tailoring and entrepreneurship skills
Proposed Actions
YWISD will train 200 young women in Wakiso sub-county, the project will take 12months. These will be divided into 4 and each group (50 young women) will be trained for 3months. This will boast the beneficiary’s income which is between USD$1- USD$3 per month to USD$84 per month. The beneficiaries will form a committee of 4 members amongst themselves which will govern them, this will be under our project coordinator who will be reporting to the board of YWISD and the board reports to Rockflower. , The project requires little capital to start once young women have acquired skills, it will require USD$6 for a person to start it which many can afford but they lack skills.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The project shall be monitored by the coordinator who shall submit a monthly report to the board of directors and the donor with progressive and end of project reports. And the training team shall be sitting every two weeks to review the project activities and lay strategies. Feedback forms shall be designed and filled by the beneficiaries to enable the trainers and management to analyze the outputs. The project officer will carry out a pre-project baseline survey to obtain the current beneficiaries’ socio-economic status on which the projects achievements will be compared and assessed. He will also conduct amid project survey at three months interval and a final baseline survey at six months end to fully evaluate project achievements and submit monitoring reports and final project reports to Rockflower.
Sustainability of the Project
The project shall be effectively and efficiently implemented with the potential to attract more future funders for scaling up its activities to other areas. The project will be sustained by multiplier effect of the project and use of profits and revenues generated from member’s subscription fee and other income generating projects that YWISD has been implementing over the past. With the existence of this project, community members agreed to continue fundraising in churches, in-kind contributions among others and the multiplier effect will also be there.